The New Blog!

Hey there, I'd like to start off by saying thanks for checking out my new blog! While this is my first real post, the actual content is going to start this Sunday, January 7, 2018. The main focus of this blog will be to get more eyes on some of the quality tools, consumables and really anything that goes in and out of my shop, from blades to wood and everything in between.

A few things you can expect to see info on from me:

  • Personal protective gear
  • Books
  • Types of wood
  • Tools for beginner to novice wood workers


If I'm lucky I'll be able to provide some insight into wood working for the beginner (I've only been at it for just over a year) and provide everyone with some information they can use whether for themselves or maybe as a gift to someone else, a talking point or anything else like that. I hope you'll enjoy the content I put out and please let me know if you do over on my Facebook. Thanks for looking!

Daniel Amlin