



-42nd Parallel Woodworking cutting board (or any other should work too)

-Mineral Oil


-Clean rag or shop towel

-Lemon Juice


Now that you have your nice new board or one you've had for a while and really enjoy, you wouldn't want it going bad on you, would you?

Be sure to never submerge your board in water. Try to not leave it wet for very long either, wiping with a damp cloth between uses and even drying if there is much water residue left over.

As for board care:

Once a month (more or less depending on the frequency of use) you will want to refinish your board with mineral oil and beeswax to refill the pores and keep your board from drying out.

To do this you will want to first apply a bit of mineral oil to the board (other oils could leave you with a funny taste in your mouth) and work it around with a clean rag or shop towel so that every face of the board is covered. You do not need to use too much in this step since the board should have already been finished when you got it. The longer you leave that oil on the better but it tends to dry after a few hours depending on the amount used. You can always wipe away excess with a rag.

Next you will want to apply a thin layer of beeswax to the entire board again. I like to leave this layer over night as the longer it is on the better it will seal the board but again you could wipe it off between half an hour to a few hours.

To sanitize your board between uses you can use a little bit of lemon juice and wipe it on the cutting surface.

Follow these steps and you should have a board you can use for years to come!