Getting Into The Sticker Swap Game

Within the past couple months I’ve noticed a trend among the woodworking community that I decided to get into myself, that being sticker swapping. Just because I noticed it a little while ago doesn’t mean it wasn’t always there, there seems to be a very large group of a people getting in on this. Here’s a few things you may want to know about joining the sticker swap community. 


Where do I get stickers?

The logo on my first stickers.

The logo on my first stickers.

The first order of business is obviously to have your own sticker to swap! There are many ways you can do this. I’ve seen about 5 different major companies that make stickers for reasonable prices in all different shapes and sizes. You can get as little as 10 for about $20 or larger amounts like 150 for about $100. The more you buy will always make the price per sticker less. I personally use Sticker Mule but Sticker Wolf and stickerss_ (on Instagram) are also good options. Alternatively, I’ve seen people print stickers from their home printers on sticker paper, whatever works for you is enough to get you into the game.

My newest stickers.

My newest stickers.


But what do I put on my sticker?

My first sticker design was from a logo I had gotten made on fiverr. After sending out probably 10 of those stickers and seeing how much cooler other people’s stickers were, I decided to get one professionally done. Again though you can make it anything, make it your own. I’ve seen some stickers just of that person’s face, its whatever you think is cool.


I have a design and a sticker, now what?

Here's the fun part, getting to connect with other makers! You don't have to limit yourself strictly to other woodworkers or whatever your area may be. Feel free to ask for a swap with whoever you want. Mainly these swaps are facilitated through Instagram and its as easy as sending a message asking for a swap and exchanging addresses then just waiting for the mail to show up. Some people, me included, like to add a personal note with each sticker which is always something nice to read.


Where do I put all my new stickers?

This is totally up to personal preference. I hung a board up in my shop to put all my stickers on, when its full I'll put another one up. Some people use doors, tool boxes or the tools themselves. Put them wherever you feel they fit!


Now that you know pretty much everything there is to know about swapping stickers, get to it! Expanding your community and friendships are some of the most important things you can do and I for one am very glad I got into this hobby, swapping with people has opened up new dialogues with people I may have never met otherwise and I highly recommend getting into it sooner rather than later if you think its something you would be interested in! 

Daniel Amlin